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Paradox Of Social Democracy

Democracy is not clear to many people. However, many will be heard saying that they are fighting for democracy. Basing on the research that I have done, I have come to understand democracy as a combination of two things. One is one that gives people the right and chance to contribute and manage or even plan for the self-governance of their areas of residence, nations or regions. There are a number of ways that one can do that. It is however very devastating to note that many people do not understand this and they thus think that democracy is being affiliated with a party of your choice. This is an illusion that will keep development at bay until people understand fully what democracy is. The other aspect of democracy has a real mechanism in place that aims at protecting the privileges and rights of each and every individual in the public.

The paradox

The two aspects of social democracy above give each and every person a right to enjoy and live life to their fullest. This, however, does not happen because many people never appreciate these two bits of democracy. Most people will only concentrate on one. It is as if only one part gives them democracy. This is paradoxical as people are many times in the streets fighting for their rights and democracy. They, however, do not recognize that they have all they need with them and have not been able to use it positively. All they think about democracy is choosing leaders and being affiliated with various parties and ideologies. Voting is not a form of democracy. The tyranny of the majority has always won but does not give the leaders a chance to lead with the use of the above aspects of democracy.

How to enjoy more of social democracy

Democracy is all about autonomy. You need to show a lot of self-discipline for you to appreciate your individual thoughts. It is only then that you can exhibit your skills by acting. This will enhance your flexibility to act regardless of the set constraints. Individual thinking will also give you a chance to have a wide range of behavior. This will enhance your ability to express yourself, associate with others, tolerate others and make quality choices. If you have all these traits that show autonomous thinking, then you are democratic. You will have gained the ability to make an impact at any level of the society and that is the true social democracy.