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How To Set Up A Research Paper In Civil Engineering: A Quick Guide​

Civil engineering is a complicated course that has plenty of practical implications. You are likely to be assigned a research paper in this course so that you will be able to explore some technical issues in detail. To make the writing process easier, you need to be organized, focus your study, and write according to the rules for academic writers. The following quick guide is designed to help you write a decent research paper and get a top grade.

General Academic Writing Rules: Vital Do’s

Civil engineering research requires clarity of language. Scientists and professionals use specific terminology, so you should be careful and double-check the word choice. It is also important to provide the explanation of the key terms and concepts in your paper. Every student should follow these general rules for academic writers:

  1. Agree verbs with their subjects.
  2. Write avoiding negatives.
  3. Be specific and stick to the topic.
  4. Use active voice where possible.
  5. Write whole sentences, not fragments.
  6. Give a number and title to every figure or table.
  7. Put information in a table if possible.
  8. Avoid long numbered or bulleted lists within the text.
  9. Put periods and commas inside quote marks.
  10. Proofread carefully to catch all the mistakes.

Research Paper Writing Basics: Things to Remember

There are several important things that you should keep in mind when you set up your research paper in civil engineering. First of all, every point in your work must be either your own or you must provide a reference. You should always cite your references to avoid plagiarism.

Second, a strong assignment should be well-organized and include the following sections: a title page, abstract, table of contents, list of tables and figures, introduction, literature review, methods, conclusions, and references. You can add an acknowledgment page immediately after the abstract if needed. Remember that your introduction should be directed toward a civil engineering audience.

Third, tables and graphs are included in the total page limit, so it makes sense to put long tables with data and whole-page figures in appendices. Use the options of your word or table processor to format your tables in a proper manner.

Another important thing to bear in mind is that your literature review should include peer-reviewed publications as well as expert opinions on theoretical approaches and practice. Ask your academic advisor what civil engineering magazines you should study while working on your topic to identify new research issues related to your subject.