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How to prepare an elaborate term paper draft

Students consider term papers one of the worst assignments, even more so than essays or research papers. Term papers are usually worth more of your grade, and therefore require more work put into them. This makes for more stress and frustration in many students. If you’re in this situation right now, and need to write an elaborate term paper, keep reading and you’ll find out how to do just that.

Writing a term paper is all about how you can make it easier on yourself. Even a large scope paper will benefit from these tips. The first thing you need to do is get all of your notes and instructions together. Have them next to you while you work so that you don’t have to interrupt your work flow to go look for something you missed.

Steps to an Elaborate Term Paper

Here’s how you can do this. Just follow these steps, and you should be well on your way to having an awesome first draft. It really isn’t as hard as you think.

  1. Read your instructions very carefully. Make a list of exactly what your teacher wants to see form this term paper, and what is expected of you.
  2. Make a game plan. Here’s the part where you look at all of your resources and make a schedule for working on your term paper. Ask yourself: how much research do you need to do? Where will you go to do it? Do you have at least a few hours before the deadline to edit once you’ve finished the first draft? Have a friend lined up to read your essay for a second opinion. Plan what you’re going to do each day and how long it will take you.
  3. Stick to your schedule. Making one in the first place is so that you can stay on track. Now that you have one, make it work for you. Get over any procrastination or distractions and focus on your task for the day.
  4. In your research, be sure to look at different types of sources, not just books. For example, find some: journal articles, documentaries or videos, interviews, articles, websites, museums, shows, or other relevant media.
  5. Now fill in the blanks and write! All you have left to do is put original words between your quotes and other research to connect ideas and support your opinion.