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How To Benefit From Personal Experience Essays

There is no way to sugarcoat it reading personal essays about random people who you don’t care about can be incredibly boring. Many people read examples of other peoples’ personals essay and think to themselves “could this be anymore pointless”. The truth is that although it may seem like a wasteful exercise you can actually learn a lot when you study the personal experience essays that are written by others.

The kind of things that you can learn about writing from the personal essays of your peers (or just about anyone) is different strategies that people use to talk about themselves and show off their personality. This knowledge and skill comes in handy when you are writing an college application essay, scholarship essay, grant application, pitch, personal mission statement, and pretty much any other written content where have good focused personal writing skills come in handy. Believe it or not there will be occasions where it is essential to write about yourself in a flattering fashion. If you can not represent yourself well in words then you may struggle in academic and in your future career. This is why it is important to critically read and learn from the unique way that other people write this sort of content to either a.) learn what not to do or b.) how to write personal essay content well.

Do not think for a moment that you cannot learn anything from reading personal content written about other people. There are always lessons to be learnt from the life experiences and perspectives of others. Many experienced writers actually compose personal essays as a writing exercise to examine their own lives. If you can get your hands on that kind of high quality writing example you can use it as a model to improve your own personal writing. Poor writing samples also serve a purpose because they give you an idea of how not to approach this kind of writing.

If you look carefully online you can find a selection of personal writing essays that have been written for a variety of reasons to study from. Read a few different kinds of samples before you tackle your own personal writing assignment or project and see if you are inspired at all. At the very least you will learn how important it is to be engaging and interesting when you write about yourself if you don’t want to bore your audience to death.
