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5 Tips On How To Write A Good Conclusion For A Research Paper

A good conclusion is as important as an introductory part of any essay. It is scientifically proven that we remember the very first thing and the very last thing of any article, essay and academic paper while going through it. Hence both of them should be of optimum quality devoid of any faults. Most of us have heard that introduction should be interesting to grab the audience notice but do you know what is the importance of writing a good conclusion? How a good conclusion can be written?

Basically a good conclusion is the one that justifies all what you have written in your essay.

Check out 5 significant tips to write a good conclusion-

  1. Do not summarize: The biggest mistake that most of us commit is writing a brief of everything repeating what has already been stated previously. Never commit the mistake of writing summary of all the points cited earlier, instead present an interesting way writing only the gist indirectly while restating your initial thesis.
  2. Refer to your introduction in some way: A conclusion is the end part of any essay and should be in harmony with the introduction. It should straight away match up with what has been cited in the very beginning of a research paper essay. A research based introduction should end with a conclusion restating the purpose of the paper fully accomplished. Dive your introductory thoughts in correspondence of the conclusion.
  3. Proper closure: It should be wrapped up properly in a succinct and clear way. Do not make it look like a movie that has been stopped midway. Answer all the questions in the thesis coming to a logical solution based on the cited evidences.
  4. Point out the significance of the research conducted: Discuss, how it relates to the benefits, how its findings can be employed by people. If you feel there were some deficiencies in perspective of the chosen methods, talk about as in how it has affected the results and how subsequent researcher can refine the methodology learning from the previous mistakes.
  5. Leave on a thought provoking conclusion: A thoughtful note after summing up all the findings often leaves a serious impact on the essay conclusion. So, pay focus on it too. By leaving some unanswered questions for future research you can keep the topic interesting.

A good conclusion is the one that relates practical usage with the research findings. Fr example if the topic of your research is regarding a diet and speed of learning, offer suggestions citing a precise plan that children should eat a highly balanced diet getting proper nutrition.
