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How to Compose a Research Paper Topic on Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying has become one of the most discussed social problems recently, due to the soaring popularity of mobile devices and social networks among teenagers. Present-day bullies would rather look for their victims not in school corridors but on the Internet; this is what makes this problem so urgent and important to research.

Some topics on cyber bullying, such as its effects on the behaviors of victims, might seem already overused, but there are lots of others that remain underexplored. Familiarize yourself with recent research studies in this field. They may contain calls for further research that you can use as your starting point.

Another way to compose a good topic is to narrow down the broad subject of cyber bullying to the question that most interests you. For example, do you think that cyber bullying is more of a serious crime, or a flaw in a child’s upbringing that has to be addressed with the means of education rather than punishment? There is no “right” and “wrong” answer as long as you can build a strong argument in support of your view.

Here are more examples of cyber bullying topics and research questions:
